I’m one of the thousands of California citizens who worked hard to defeat Proposition 8, and who continue to work toward equality for our state’s gay and lesbian citizens. It’s a damned depressing fight at times—but the tortured logic, appalling grammar, desperate melodrama, and Random Capitalizations of some of our most passionate opponents remind me, at least, that we’ve got brains and decency on our side even if they’re certain that they’ve got God on theirs. As we work to educate and enlighten the fair-minded Californians, we can at least have some fun exposing the fundamental repugnance of the confidently bigoted ones!

If you enjoy your visit, or even if you don’t, please visit my HELP! page and find a way to pitch in. The passage of Prop 8 was devastating and disgusting, but this battle’s far from over.

Finally: An ongoing tip of the requisite lesbian baseball cap is due to Atalanta for her assistance in finding many of the published gems on the site. If you find a winner in your hometown newspaper or another publication, send it to me at flawedfundamentally[at]gmail.com!

5 Responses to “About”

  1. Esme said

    You have an excellent website. As a Floridian, I’m seeing this exact same crap down here for our anti-gay marriage bill. The most vocal group for the ban has the audacity to call themselves “Yes2Marriage.”

  2. fearlessleader said

    Thanks, Esme, and thanks for fighting the fight in Florida (where it looks like you’ll win, yes?). Hope you’ll pass the site around to anyone there who needs a laugh! Good luck.

  3. jessica said

    I was, and am, devastated by the passing of Prop 8. Your hilarious site and comments have made me feel a bit better.

    It’s actually a nice reminder of the dumbfucks who oppose equality.
    It makes me even more passionate for the cause.

    I can’t wait to stick it to fundamentalist bigots. 🙂

    Keep being awesome.

  4. fearlessleader said

    Jessica, thank you for that incredibly kind comment, and for continuing to “stick it to fundamentalist bigots”!

    I need to update this page, don’t I? Sigh.

  5. Amy said

    Are you still alive? We haven’t heard from you since Christmas.

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